Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Senetor Feinstein

Well you have got to hand it to Wolf Blitzer abd the crack squad at CNN. Ammid another scandal involving Senetor Feinstein using her political power to drum up more business for her husband and his company of which she is an owner, they interviewed the senetor and never even brought up the scandal that was posted this morning on Drudge Report. Instead they discussed the impeachment of a judge who, previously to his judicial appointment, wrote memos that enabled more serious treatment of terrorists. Which if the idiot senetor remembers this treatment ie waterboarding enabled the gevernment to stop a terrorist attack on the largest city in her state Los Angeles. If it wasn't for water boarding then the city would have been attacked. But instead of discussing this the extremely bright staff at CNN decided this was more important to discuss than the current news of their dear Dianne. Senetor Feinstein again used her standing in the senete to have the government give money to her husbands company that enabled them to purchased forclosed real estate at discounted prices. This of course isn't the first time that the dear senetor has done this for her husband. She used the Arms and Services committeed to give governmemt contract to her husbands company that should have been given to the lowest bidder and most qualified competitor. If a member of the GOP had done this CNN would have crucified the peerson who dared even think of such a thing. Even a moderate democrat was attacted in the next segment on Wolf Blitzer's show Jane Harmon for her little scandal. Now even though Harmon's scandal shouldn't be over looked, it doesn't come close to the what Feinswine has done AGAIN!!!! But Harmon is a moderate and a likely replacement for Feinswine if she does infact decide she want to be the CEO of California which looks quite possible. This congress and White House is just wrong. From Obama wanting to close Gitmo and leave the airport prison in AFghanistan open. Which puts him on both sides of an issue yet once again, to the congress and white house forcing me to put light bulbs in my house that contain mercury. That is what I want in my home with little children, light bulbs that when broken now give the risk of mercury poisoning. I actually find myself missing the Clinton administation. I never thought I would even think that, let alone write it and post it for all to read. What was this country thinking in 2006 and 2008?

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